•   Tre Mosley commented on this post about 6 years ago
    Hey gang....

    I've been in voiceover forever, but new to imaging. How do you shop your imaging demo to PD's to get on their radar?
    Comments (2)
    • Hello Tre, WELCOME to the FUN and CREATIVE world of RADIO IMAGING! The best way I found is go the website of your target stations find the BrandHello Tre, WELCOME to the FUN and CREATIVE world of RADIO IMAGING! The best way I found is go the website of your target stations find the Brand Manager and or Program Director and shoot them an email. Best of luck! I did hear your demo on  http://theimaginghouse.com/ and really enjoyed it. Plus I have followed you a bit on Facebook and I like your POSITIVE approach to life and VO!! :)  More ...
    • I appreciate that man....I try to keep a level head about it all. I'll reach out to more statons like Ive been doin. Thanks again.
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